Friday, December 19, 2008

Counting Down The Days / Sunfreakz feat. Andrea Britton

Been around, now I found, I was walking on the wrong track yeah
Took my time, I was fine, I was looking for you
Lost my way, for the day, got my ticket, now I'm right back
Here to stay, it's okay, now I'm walking with you

Counting down the days 'till I will find you there
I don't care as long as I, I get there with you
there with you…
there with you…

When you're near I can feel a connecting and I can't let go
Lost control, took a whole, can it really be true
Run away to a place where nobody else would never go
Here to say it's okay, now I'm walking with you

Counting down the days 'till I will find you there
I don't care as long as I, I get there with you
Counting down the days to take the chance, the dare
I don't care as long as I, I get there with you
there with you…
there with you…

Counting down the days 'till I will find you there
I don't care as long as I, I get there with you
Counting down the days to take the chance, the dare
I don't care as long as I, I get there with you.

...rumbo a Semana Mayor?

Me gustan mucho estas fiestas decembrinas porque además de interiorizar y profundizar en el amor que cada uno de nosotros trae dentro, es la oportunidad para demostrarlo y ofrecerlo en forma masiva a nuestros familiares, amigos y seres queridos.¿Por qué no sucede lo mismo en otra época? Bueno, quizás nos ocupa más prestar atención a los bikinis y el bronceador de primavera en la playa y es que ¿acaso no es una razón importante?

No he podido hacer muchas llamadas, ni siquiera enviado tantos correos para poder saludarlos a todos y decirles lo mucho que los quiero y es que sin justificarme o ser tan webon, no he tenido mucho tiempo u oportunidad para hacerlo. Espero no me agarre Semana Mayor.

Arriba un video de una rola ochentera que me parece shingona y que me hace recordar lo mucho que me gusta la playa.