Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Get together (Confessions on a dance floor version) / Madonna
It's all an illusion
there's too much confusion
Down, down, down in your heart
Find, find, find the secret
Turn, turn, turn your head around
Baby we can do it
We can do it all right
Do you believe in love at first sight
It's an illusion, I don't care
Do you believe I can make you feel better
Too much confusion, come on over here
Can we get together?
I really, I really wanna be with you
Come on, check it out with me
I hope you, I hope you feel the same way too
I searched, I searched, I searched my whole life
To find, find, find the secret
But all I did was open up my eyes
Baby we can do it
we can do it all right
Do you believe that we can change the future
Do you believe I can make you feel better
Can we get together?
I really wanna be with you
Come on, check it out with me
I hope you feel the same way too
Can we get together?
I really, I really wanna be with you
Come on, check it out with me
I hope you, I hope you feel the same way too
It's all an illusion
There's too much confusion
I'll make you feel better
If it's bitter at the start
Then it's sweeter in the end
Do you believe in love at first sight
It's an illusion, I don't care
Do you believe I can make you feel better
Too much confusion, come on over here
Can we get together?
I really, I really wanna be with you
Come on, check it out with me
I hope you, I hope you feel the same way too
get together
get together
get together
get together
get together
get together
get together
It's all an illusion
There's too much confusion
I'll make you feel better
If it's bitter at the start
Then it's sweeter in the end
Ivonne Ortega.

La Sra. se me hace muy agradable, sincera y preparada como para desempeñar un buen papel (además de que es mujer). De lo malo que tiene... es que es priísta. Pero nomás.
Ojalá desempeñe un buen papel.
Por cierto, hoy estará en el programa "Shalalá" en Azteca 13 a eso de las 12:00 a.m.
Filma Woody con Penélope en Oviedo.

La española Penélope Cruz ensaya sobre una bicicleta una escena de la nueva película del director estadounidense Woody Allen, en el Monte Naranco de Oviedo.

Al igual que Penélope, la actriz estadounidense Scarlett Johansson y el actor Javier Bardem continúan con su participación en la cinta.

El martes 31 de junio, Scarlett grabó por segundo día en la ciudad de Oviedo, en la céntrica plaza de la Corrada del Obispo.

El director estadounidense Woody Allen, sentado en las escaleras del monumento prerrománico de Santa María del Naranco, revisa el guión de su filme.