Monday, July 07, 2008

Feel the beat / Darude

I can feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat.

I can feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat.

I can Feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat.

I can Feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat.

I can Feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat.

I can Feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat,
feel the beat...

Lenny Kravitz...

... en la clausura del Rock in Rio.

Dos nuevos Patrimonios de la Humanidad para México en la lista de honor.

Por decisión unánime, San Miguel de Allende por su arquitectura barroca y la Reserva de la Mariposa Monarca como Bien Natural, quedaron inscritos en la Lista de Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO.

¡¡ Muchas Felicidades !!

¿ Como es que has crecido tanto ?

Te deseo felicidad por siempre gordo.

Te mando un gran beso en este tu día a ti y tus hermanitos.

¡¡ Muchas Felicidades !!